Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about Mr. Lira’s practice, including access to his resume, see

Use the form below to set-up an appearance, or to ask any other question you may have about this website or anything discussed in this website.

Remember, if you are trying to set-up an appearance, and are checking on Mr. Lira’s availability, we need to know the following:  1) date;  2) time;  3) general location (e.g., “Supreme Nassau” or “Jamaica”); and  4) general nature of appearance (e.g., “preliminary conference” or “2-witness depo”).  If the appearance is in a courthouse, we need to know which courthouse.  We need not only your name, but also the law office for whom you are seeking to set-up an appearance.

If you are wondering what information you should provide to Mr. Lira in preparation for an appearance, see the “Articles & Notes” menu.