
Welcome to New York Appearance Attorney, a website published by David M. Lira.  Among other areas of practice, Mr. Lira, an attorney with extensive litigation experience, assists other attorneys by making various kinds of appearances on a per diem basis when those attorneys find themselves with more work than can be handled in the available time.
He will also prepare various kinds of documents for attorneys who dislike doing paperwork, or who are just too busy to get around to it.  He will prepare discovery demands, or responses to discovery demands; complaints, answers or replies.  He will also prepare motions, or oppositions to motions, including briefs and memoranda of law.  If you need to get background on a particular set of issues, procedural or substantive, he will even do the research and prepare a memorandum for you.  He is ready, willing and able to prepare whatever type of paperwork you need.  The issues can be from the very simple to the extremely complicated.  If you are dealing with massive discovery responses, he can even help you manage that.
Courts Where Appearances Can Be Covered
Mr. Lira is available for appearances in courts and administrative agencies.  With geographic limitations, and some limitations when it comes to U.S. District Courts, Mr. Lira is available for appearances in U.S. District Court, Bankruptcy Court, New York State Supreme Court, New York City Civil Court, County District Courts, City, Town and Village Courts, and Justice Courts, as well as various appellate courts.  He is also available for appearances in administrative forums such as Workers’ Compensation and traffic courts.
He will also cover depositions, 50H hearings and examinations under oath.  He has covered literally thousands of these types of appearances.
As Needed, As Available
All appearances are handled on an “as-needed-as-available” basis. In other words, there is no long term commitment on the part of either side.  His practice is to handle requested  appearances himself.  That is, this website does not belong to an appearance broker.  It belongs to the attorney who will actually handle the appearances.  Although the earlier you request an appearance, the greater the likelihood that Mr. Lira will be available and will be able to accept your assignment, Mr. Lira will accept last-minute assignments, even on the morning of the scheduled appearances, provided he is otherwise available and there is time enough to get to the assignment.
His general policy is that, once he accepts an appearance, he is committed to that appearance, even if a more profitable one is subsequently presented to him.  This just keeps things simple, and assures you that Mr. Lira is dependable.
Although, on request and agreement,  Mr. Lira will accept appearances on the condition that he handle only that one appearance, generally, Mr. Lira will accept multiple appearances in the same court at the same time from the same or multiple attorneys, with limitations based on the anticipated amount of effort.  That is, unless he has another attorney available to assist, which is usually not the case, he will accept only as many assignments as he believes he can reasonably handle, based on the type of appearance and the practices of the particular court, or even part.  If he believes a particular assignment will be unusually time consuming or particularly complicated, he may request additional conditions before accepting the assignment.  He just doesn’t accept assignments.  You actually get the benefit of his knowledge and experience.  As you know, some courts and parts have particular practices and requirements.  If you have an appearance in a court or part that is unfamiliar to you, Mr. Lira will advise you of any special requirements.  The idea is to get it done right the first time, and avoid any unnecessary or undesired denials, mark-offs and adjournments.
The Appearance Report
The result of any appearance is a report, usually in the form of an email or email and attachment.  However, if you would like a report in a particular format, just ask.  Mr. Lira will be glad to accommodate you.
Mr. Lira will generally get you a report on the same day of the appearance.  Unless there is a highly unusual reason for delay, you will get a report not later than 24 hours after the completion of the appearance.  However, things happen, professionally and personally.  So, Mr. Lira cannot guarantee a report by a time certain, but he can guarantee he will get one to you as promptly as possible, usually on the same day of the appearance.
How To Arrange An Appearance
To set up an appearance, call, email or text.  In this initial communication, provide the date, time and location of the appearance.  You don’t have to provide a specific location.  The location might be sometime like “Supreme Nassau” or “Jamaica.”  Also provide a short description of the nature of the appearance, for example, “preliminary conference” or “two witness EBT.”  Mr. Lira will quickly let you know whether he is available, or ask for additional details if necessary.  Once you have confirmed the appearance, Mr. Lira will lock in the appearance on his calendar, and you can send whatever material you believe Mr. Lira will need for the appearance at you convenience, though the earlier you do this the greater the likelihood of avoiding any problems with the appearance.  The material that you send might be nothing more than an email giving enough background that Mr. Lira will know what is going on and a description of what you would like to have done.  If Mr. Lira believes more information is needed, he will ask.
For more information on Mr. Lira’s background and experience, see his resume.  The “Articles & Notes” menu might contain information that will help you prepare Mr. Lira for an appearance.